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Apaurusheya Ventures Private Limited owns and may own several trademarks in future that may have data from numerous clients. We are responsible to protect each client with their trademarks and will never share information without their permission.
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Apaurusheya Ventures Private Limited reserves its right to alter the current Policies without prior notice or warning. Non-enforcement of any part of the Policies of the Company does not require any consent.
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Apaurusheya Ventures Private Limited owns all the trademarks, Services, logos, any articles published, and other materials on the website are all protected by Copyright laws.
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Apaurusheya Ventures Private Limited reserves all rights with respect to content and design of the website. Any usage or representation of the content or design without prior permission is not allowed and can invoke legal proceedings under the state and jurisdiction laws of the Union of India.
Usage Restrictions
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Any queries, complaints or concerns with regards to these terms should be sent to support@apaurusheya-ventures.com. You can also use the Contact Page of this website to do the same.